If you own a domain then you need to be aware of the low life scum that inhabits the world of domain renewal. This Canadian scum that hides behind the name of Domain Renewal Group, Domain Registry of America or Liberty Names of America. Scans the domain registries with no more couth than a virus or cancer cell crawls around in your body. I have talked with this idiot and he absolutely does not care that he is a scam artist working within the limits the law, claiming to be of high intelligence no less.

The scam is the simple fact that the letter you receive in the mail looks in every way like a bill. Down the letter well blended within the text is a statement in bold that says "this notice is not a bill". Well horary for the law requiring this to be in the print. Otherwise I am certain it would never appear anywhere on the paper!

"This Canadian scum that hides behind the name of Domain Renewal Group, Domain Registry of America or Liberty Names of America"

What troubles me more than the fact that this idiot does business this way. Is the fact that you can buy a domain from any qualified registrar for 1/4 the price he wants you to renew for. It really shows you just how greedy this ass hole is! There are stories all over the internet about how people and even companies have been suckered into this scam.

It is not only my intention to inform you about this scam but to ask for your help in getting rid of this jerk once and for all. He has been moving in and out of business names for the better part of 6 years that I know of. So he knows what he is doing is unethical and wrong but until the community of domain owners fires back at this piece of trash. He will continue to profit from those who do not know the rules.

If you receive a letter from any of the above mentioned groups call him and give him a thick piece of your mind. Take the letter and have it sent back to him.  If everyone would do just that much it would be enough to let him know that what he is trying to do is costing him more than it’s worth to send his trash out. Most of all post a comment on your blog, that of your friends blogs. Tweet about it and use any other form of communication you can to make people aware of this ass holes existence.

In closing I would like to say to the worthless ass hole who owns these companies, to kiss my ass!!!! I welcome anyone who knows where this jerk is, to go stick your boot up his ass!! If you ruin the boot, I will buy you a new pair....