By Kevin Morrison on Saturday, 23 July 2011
Category: Scripting

Editing Images

Don't have Photoshop or don't really have the skills to edit and resize images? Pxlr is a free online editor that you can use to make basic edits to any image. I know being in the web design business it is often difficult when a client sends me images that I must first optimize and resize before I can work with them. This tool not only saves me time but gets the client more involved in the website development. I send them to Pixlr and they can make all the edits to the images before they send them to me.

 If you need a solution that can be run on your computer I recommend GIMP.The volunteer developers of The GIMP have been working hard to develop a polished, user-friendly, and freely distributed image editor. Although the separated palette windows may disturb those users who are used to more traditional layouts, your comfort level should grow exponentially as you discover how pain-free the program is. One of the most powerful general-purpose image editors around, the upgrades make the GNU Image Manipulation Program eminently comparable to Photoshop. Older features include channels, layers and masks, filters and effects, tabbed palettes, editable text tools, perspective clone, improved printing, and color operations such as levels. New improvements include GEGL integration for 32-bit color support, dynamic brushes, and more options for the free select tool. It even has regex-based pattern matching for power users.

The application provides professional tools that can stand against the big boys without the hefty price tag. Even the installation process has gotten simpler, with no need to download and install the GTX Runtime Environment separately. Extremely powerful and easy to work with, GIMP is ideal for both amateur and pro photographers, Web designers, or anyone who wants to create and edit professional-quality digital images on a budget.

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