Kevin's Papers

Technical Papers by Kevin Morrison

No installation plugin has been enabled

No installation plugin has been enabled

With the release of Joomla 3.6 we have seen welcome progress and new features that have been asked for are now part of the core. However as with anything new there are bound to be some growing pains and this release is no exception to that rule. One of these and one that perplexed me, more because of all the issues I have experienced this one was something I had never seen before. The issue comes after updating some sites to Joomla 3.6 and while I have not been able to assertain any particular configuration that might cause this, it is not something that happens to every site. In rare cases I have found after performing the update if I try and go to the install manager instead of getting the familiar choices to upload a file, input a directory or location I see an error message that simply says:

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