Kevin's Papers

Technical Papers by Kevin Morrison

Best Way To Secure Your Joomla Admin

We are constantly trying to keep our Joomla sites out of the hands of the low life scum that would do us harm for no other reason than their personal kicks. There is one way to help in that endeavor that is easy to setup with a minimal side-effect.

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When Should I Update my Joomla Website?

When I first started working with Joomla nearly 6 years ago the update path was different than it is today. Up until 2.5 it seemed to work just fine and while it always felt like the odd ball to me it worked. So the general rule was until a version reached .5 it was considered a short term stable release (STS), which meant you could still use the .x version prior to .5 but you did so at your own risk. If you absolutely needed what was coming in the new release you installed it and dealt with the constant struggle of updating it and fixing everything that broke along the way. Otherwise we was told to wait until the long term stable release (LTS) was out.

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The Joomla Update scheme has changed AGAIN!

When I first started working with Joomla nearly 6 years ago the update path was different than it is today. Up until 2.5 it seemed to work just fine and while it always felt like the odd ball to me it worked. So the general rule was until a version reached .5 it was considered a short term stable release (STS), which meant you could still use the .x version prior to .5 but you did so at your own risk. If you absolutely needed what was coming in the new release you installed it and dealt with the constant struggle of updating it and fixing everything that broke along the way. Otherwise we was told to wait until the long term stable release (LTS) was out.

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Joomla Update Manager Is Dangerous!

OK so the title to this blog may be a bit harsh but I wanted to get your attention because although it is not dangerous it is potentially a problem. So now hopefully you are interested in what I have to say because after you read this I am sure you will agree there is the potential for a problem.

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How to Embed Google Docs into Your Joomla Website

Google docs being probably the most popular service for managing online documents, I am going to show you how with no flash or PDF browser plug-ins you can embed Google Docs, spreadsheets, documents, forms and presentations into your Joomla website and this works for Joomla 2.5 up to 3.0 and beyond.

Step 1: Setting up your documents

Before you start you have to make sure that your documents are labeled as public and not private otherwise this will not work. Open the document that you want to share and click the Share link that the top of the browser to make it public readable.

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