Kevin's Papers

Technical Papers by Kevin Morrison

Who Should Manage Your Domain?

The domain name system is not hard to understand but yet those who are not technically savvy tend to rely on an agency or a web firm to manage it for them. There are pros and cons to this but first we need to understand how all this works so you have a solid understanding and know the risks that you are taking by not managing your own domain name.

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Social Branding Part 2

In part one we took a look at the why and now lets look at how to create an effective Facebook page so you can amss fans, manage comments and the best practice methods to grow your fan base. First we need to decide on the best tools to use for the job and there are a lot of them out there! Like anything else though there are good ones and there are bad ones and we do not have the time to test them all.

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Filter all Articles Within Nested Categories in Joomla 1.7

It has been a real pain to work with the articles that are nested inside sub categories in joomla 1.7. Why this was overlooked is still a mystery but one we should expect with this new nested category structure. The problem is when you filter a category in the article viewer, the only articles that currently show up are those that are in the selected category. If you want to see articles that are nested in the sub categories in the one you are viewing you have to select each category one at a time to see the other articles.

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Social Branding Part 1

Let's face it, if you are new to the web and just starting out with a fresh new website to increase your market audience. It does not matter how popular you or your brand is locally or how loyal your brick and mortar customers are. It is going to be like starting over from the very beginning trying to get your brand to be trusted with a new audience.

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Steps for Akeeba Backup

There is some confusion on how to move a Joomla website using the powerfull Akeeba Backup tool. Although this is a very straight forward process it can seem daunting to those who have never used it before. I assure yuo that there are no hidden processes or tricks to using this tool and here I will give you a very straight forward tutorial on how to move through the process of moving your Joomla website using Akeeba Backup.

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